


Need something for your dog ? We have it!

Dog.com is your online destination for everything dog, from your favorite dog products to our online dog forum.

Dog.com is a division of TABcom, LLC, which was founded in 1969 and is the parent company to a wide variety of pet-related websites, including dog.com, Bird.com, Horse.com, Ferret.com, Fish.com, Garden.com, Bike.com and 1800PetSupplies.com. The sites provide a broad range of competitively priced pet and outdoor supplies, as well as community forums and partnerships with several national and local rescue and adoption facilities. Check out our Dog forum – one of the largest on the internet and growing daily, a wealth of knowledge and conversation is available from around the world, around the clock!

Dog.com Customer Care

Our customer service team is dedicated to providing our customers with excellent service.  If you need any help or information about any item, please do not hesitate to contact us.  We can be reached in three easy ways:



Short URL: http://recommendedstores.net/?p=23

Posted by on Jan 19 2014. Filed under Pets Care, Recommended. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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